EagleShoe is a wholesale leather shoe retailer based in Konya, Türkiye. Their target audience is wholesalers and retail customers with special models.

Our Projects
Creating Far-reaching Impact
Our products are made of high quality leather and have modern designs and durability features. We bring style and comfort together by offering our customers unique and stylish shoes.
By determining customer satisfaction as our focus, we continue to expand and improve our product range. We will continue to be a pioneer in the sector with innovative solutions and quality products.

Our Products
At EagleShoe, we pride ourselves on offering our customers a wide range of products. Our shoes are available in a variety of styles and colors, carefully designed to appeal to every taste.

Classic Series
Elegant and Stylish
The Classic Series combines traditional style with modern touches, offering elegance and comfort together. The shoes in this series attract attention with their classic and timeless designs.

Sports Series
Comfortable and Stylish
The Sports Series offers comfortable and stylish options for daily use. It offers sport and elegance together with high quality materials and ergonomic designs.

Special Design
The Custom Design category features shoes that are specifically designed according to our customers' requests. This option allows customers to reflect their personal style.